Welcome to The Phoenix Universe
A vast, interconnected saga of multiple planned series and standalones following a heartbreaking celestial rebellion, the machinations of a rogue, ruthless villain, and the bloodline of gift-wielders and heroes who face him on the final battlefield.
The Ark carries all. In the bright conflux of light and darkness at the beginning of time, in his vastness and brilliance, the Ark was too powerful to step down and speak with those he watched over without overwhelming them. In his desire to aid them, he took a piece out of himself to intervene in their lives. But when he did so, the chaos he had long controlled leaked out and took shape throughout the universe, a beast with no cage. So he called three soldiers and sent them into the world to hold it all together, until one of those soldiers betrayed him, taking chaos as a weapon of his own. Too mighty to step down and stop Erembour's mutiny himself without ending existence, the Ark sent someone who could. This is the saga of that betrayal, and the fight to free the world from the rogue horseman's grasp.